Monday, May 31, 2010


The short version of the story is that over the past three years I have lost almost 40 pounds, very slowly, but surely. I've worked with a nutritionist and followed a dietary exchange method of tracking my food intake, and I've integrated yoga, pilates, and more recently, light running and some elliptical interval training, into my routine.

I've come a long way in my eating habits over this time: I cook most of my meals, and I eat mostly whole foods. But recently I have been having a hard time making the healthy choices that have come to be second nature to me. For the last two or three weeks my eating has felt out of control - in reality it's only a few hundred calories a day more than normal but those can add up quickly. And more importantly I FEEL like it is so much more than that - I am too full, I don't feel as comfortable in my skin, and my energy feels lower. I am trying this as an experiment: maybe blogging everything I eat will help me stay accountable, whether anyone is reading this or not. I want to keep it simple - one photo, maybe two or three, a short explanation. This is mostly for me, but if anyone else is interested, maybe it will be helpful to them too.

So, here we go: first post.

This is a triple espresso over ice with whole milk and splenda in the Albany airport of all places. I am on my way back from a friend's wedding and mulling over love, partnership, and life. Caffeine most definitely necessary. (Usually I carry my own natural sweetener with me but I ran out this weekend.)

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